How to apply camouflage in world of warships
How to apply camouflage in world of warships

You will need up to five buckets to paint the whole vehicle for one type of maps. Paints can be applied on five vehicle parts - the hull, turret, suspension, gun and gun mantlet. If necessary, pick alternative options among the historical elements.Ĭustom styles are a range of customization elements that you can apply on your vehicle in various combinations.Įvery nation has a range of paints available for vehicle decoration. If you want all players to see your vehicle’s custom style, click and remove all non-historical elements from the list. Once you apply a non-historical element, a special icon is displayed. Pay attention to the button in the upper-right corner of the customization panel. Note that when you are creating a custom style, adding one non-historical element to your vehicle will turn the whole custom style into a non-historical style and ill not be displayed to other players with default settings. After you turn on the display of non-historical exteriors, you will see all customization styles on the battlefield.In the General tab, clear the Hide non-historical elements checkbox, then click OK.In your Garage, press Esc and select Settings.To turn on the display of non-historical exteriors: Non-historical elements can be switched on in the game settings. Only historical elements and basic exteriors are displayed by default on all vehicles. Choosing and combining elements on your own allows you to create a unique vehicle designs for each type of maps.Īll customization elements in the game can be historical or non-historical, the latter are marked with an icon. You can customize your vehicle in just one click.Ĭustom styles are a collection of different elements, which can be applied on your vehicle in various combinations. Preset styles are a pre-made set of customization elements for all types of maps. To customize the whole vehicle or just some parts, use one of the customization methods:

How to apply camouflage in world of warships